Project-Based Learning Experience Management and the Using of Graphic Diagram for Develop Thinking Skills for Early Childhood Education Students in the Eastern, the Western, Bangkok, and Metropolitan Regions


  • ชลาธิป สมาหิโต คณะศึกษาศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร์


Project-Based learning, Graphic diagram, Early childhood education student


The purposes of this research were to study 1) the effects of learning experience provision using the project-based learning and graphic diagrams for early childhood education students in the regions of the eastern, the western, Bangkok and metropolitan, 2) the teachers’ opinions towards their learning experience provision using project-based learning and graphic diagrams to develop thinking skills for early childhood education students in the regions of the eastern, the western, Bangkok and metropolitan. The target group included 344 children who studied in Kindergarten 2 (K2), academic year 2016, in 12 kindergartens under the office of the private education commission, 2) 12 teachers who provided learning experiences for K2 students. Research instruments were 1) kindergarten teacher training plans, including the topics of the project-based learning experience provision, the using of graphic diagrams for kindergarten students, and thinking skill development for kindergarten students by using questions 2) 10 items of thinking skill evaluation form for 4-5 year-old children 3) interview form for teachers’ opinions towards their learning experience provision using project-based learning and graphic diagrams 4) observation form of learning experience provision using project-based learning and graphic diagrams. Obtained data were analyzed by mean and standard deviation. Qualitative data was analyzed by content analysis. The finding showed that 1) students who participated in the learning experience provision developed greater thinking skills in all aspects after finishing the activities 2) all teachers reported that they had more confident to provide learning experience using project-based learning and graphic diagrams. In addition, they were able to ask more various open-ended questions to develop thinking skills.


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How to Cite

สมาหิโต ช. (2018). Project-Based Learning Experience Management and the Using of Graphic Diagram for Develop Thinking Skills for Early Childhood Education Students in the Eastern, the Western, Bangkok, and Metropolitan Regions. Journal of Graduate School, Pitchayatat, Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat University, 13(2), 19–28. Retrieved from



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