The Application of Sufficiency Economy Philosophy for Managing Village Fund, Ban Kham Subdistrict, Chatturat District, Chaiyaphum Province


  • เกศสุดา โภคานิตย์ คณะรัฐศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏชัยภูมิ
  • กีฬา หนูยศ กองนโยบายและแผน มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏชัยภูมิ


Sufficiency economy philosophy, Village fund management, Application


The purposes of this research were to 1) study the knowledge and understanding of sufficiency economy philosophy of the committee and the members of the village fund and 2) to study the application of sufficiency economy philosophy in managing of Ban Kham village fundf in Ban Kham village, Ban Kham subdistrict, Chatturat district, Chaiyaphum province. This research used the mixed methodologies between quantitative and qualitative research. The samples were divided into two groups, the samples for the quantitative research which were 211 committee and members of Ban Kham village fund and the samples for the qualitative research which were 11 committee and members of Ban Kham village fund who were administered by in-depth interview. The samples were selected by purposive sampling method. The instrument used to collect the quantitative data was a questionnaire. The statistics used for data analysis were frequency, percentage and mean. The instrument used to collect the qualitative data was in-depth interview. The data were analyzed by descriptive analysis method. The research results were as follows; 1. The committee and the members and the village fund had a high level of understanding of sufficiency economy philosophy. 2. For the application of sufficiency economy philosophy in village fund management, it was applied with the following aspects. For the human resource management, the committee and the members of the village fund were adhered to rationality and good immunity which was being honest to each other, sacrificed for the public, and had a shared responsibility and sympathy with each other. For the financial aspect, modesty, not being in debt that cannot repay based on the principle of rationality and having self-honesty and honesty to friends and the fund were applied. For the management, it was based on rationality, good immunity, being well-informed, being careful, scarifying, sharing and honesty.


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How to Cite

โภคานิตย์ เ., & หนูยศ ก. (2018). The Application of Sufficiency Economy Philosophy for Managing Village Fund, Ban Kham Subdistrict, Chatturat District, Chaiyaphum Province. Journal of Graduate School, Pitchayatat, Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat University, 13(2), 11–18. Retrieved from



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