The Effect of Cooking Activity on Preschool Children Creativity
Cooking Activity, Creativity, Preschool ChildrenAbstract
The purpose of this study was to compare the creativity of preschool children between before and after cooking activity provision. The target group were 26 boys and girls in preschool level, ages between 5-6 years old, who studied in kindergarten 2 in the second semester in 2017, at Watratchadatitan school, Bangkok. The instruments used in this study were 24 cooking activities plans, the constructed test of creativity, and behavior observation form. The quantitative data was analyzed by mean, standard deviation, however, the content analysis was used for qualitative data. The results of this study showed that the preschool children who participated in cooking activity provision had higher creativity posttest mean scores than the pretest. The results from the behavioral observation form showed that preschool children who received the cooking activity provision had higher creativity. It showed that the children had the initiative thinking from designing the food’s shapes and characteristics. They also had fluency thinking by rapidly answering and naming the ingredients used in cooking. In addition, they had carefully thinking from explaining the details of their foods, clearly and completely describing the steps of cooking and decorating foods. Finally, they had flexible thinking from mind changing in choosing the raw materials to cooking various kind of foods.
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