Administrative Factor of School Administrators Affecting School Effectiveness Under the Office of Trat Primary Education Service Area
Administrative Factors, School Effectiveness, Office of Trat Primary Education Service AreaAbstract
The purpose of this research was to study administrative factor of school administrators affecting school effectiveness under the office of Trat primary education service area. The research populations were 1,143 primary school and opportunities expansion school teachers under the office of Trat primary education service area. The sample consisted of 288 teachers obtained by stratified sampling. The instrument used to collect the data was a 5-level rating scale questionnaire with 2 parts. The first part questionnaire was about the administrative factors of school administrators with the discriminative power between .22 and .71 and the reliability equaled to .94. The second part of questionnaire was about the effectiveness of educational institutions with the discriminative power between .20 and .69 and the reliability equaled to .88. The statistics used in this research were mean, standard deviation, Pearson's product-moment coefficient analysis, and stepwise multiple regression analysis. The research findings were as follows: 1. The overall and individual administrative factors of school administrators including; the organizational characteristics aspect, environmental aspect, personal aspect and, administration policies and implementation under the office of Trat primary educational service area were at a high level. 2. The overall and individual school effectiveness including; the producing of high learning achievement student aspect, ability to develop the positive attitude students aspect, ability to transform and develop the environment compatibility school aspect and, problem solving ability in the school aspect under the office of Trat primary educational service area were at a high level. 3. The overall administrative factors of school administrators and school effectiveness under the office of Trat primary educational service area was a high level of correlation at the .01 level of significance. 4. The predicting equation of the school effectiveness could predict the effectiveness up to 51.30 percent at .01 significant level and the predicting equation of raw score is = 1.07 + .31 (X4) + .13 (X2) + .17 (X1) + .12 (X3) The predicting equation of standard score is = .35 (Z4) + .15 (Z2) + .19 (Z1) + .14 (Z3)
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