Lanna Local Wisdom for Health Promotion of the Elderly in Urban and Policy Recommendation: Case study of Suthep Municipality Muangchiangmai District, Chiangmai Province

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Samart Jaitae
Nuttron Sukseetong


The purpose of this research was to study 1) the health promotion for the elderly based on health lanna wisdom and 2) policy recommendation on health lanna wisdom for health promotion for the elderly. The number of sample size was 265 elderly household and 19 interested people in the area of Suthep subdistrict municipality, Mueang Chiang Mai district, Chiang Mai Province. Data were collected by using questionnaires, non-in-depth interview and focus group discussion and were analyzed using descriptive statistics and content analysis. The results indicated that the relationship aspect of lanna local wisdom health promotion in the practice was on the modulate level ( = 1.90). Lanna local wisdom in rituals activities and local food consumption that reflecting on the options for health promotion of elderly. The stakeholders have made recommendations to the health promotion for elderly to create activities.

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How to Cite
Jaitae, S. and Sukseetong, N. 2020. Lanna Local Wisdom for Health Promotion of the Elderly in Urban and Policy Recommendation: Case study of Suthep Municipality Muangchiangmai District, Chiangmai Province. Journal of Community Development and Life Quality. 8, 3 (Aug. 2020), 581–591.
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