The study on developing a trolley bus system as an alternative mode of public transportation in Pattaya, Chonburi Province
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The study for developing a public transport system model with trolley bus in Pattaya, Chonburi Province was analyzed the factors related to the analysis of the attitude towards the selection of the public transport model in pattaya city. By collecting data with questionnaires In questioning a sample of 1,200 sets, which is a specific random sampling method by stratified sampling method from population size. The categorized of questionnaire according to the travel patterns of 400 respondents in each group of 3 groups were set 1 car, set 2 motorcycle, set 3 minibus or other public transit others. To study the factors that affect the selection of public transportation systems that compared with the original transportation system used. The study found that over 47.01% of people traveled by private cars, followed by motorcycles and minibus, respectively, and when considering future travel options that were determined under different conditions to analyze factors In changing travel behavior from personal cars and motorcycles toward more public transport that the results of the analysis showed that people still decide to use the same travel pattern. But if the public transportation system is developed with trolley buse, there is a factor in price and travel time that is less and costs will affect the decision to change to more public transport in pattaya city.
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How to Cite
Iamtrakul , P. and Chayphong, S. 2019. The study on developing a trolley bus system as an alternative mode of public transportation in Pattaya, Chonburi Province. Journal of Community Development and Life Quality. 7, 3 (Sep. 2019), 328–338.
Research Articles
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สำนักงานนโยบายแลแผนพลังงาน, (2559). แผนอนุรักษ์พลังงาน พ.ศ. 2558-2579