Publication Ethics

Publication Ethics

FOYER: The Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences, and Education is an open access journal that publishes academic and research works in the field of liberal arts, social sciences, and humanities.  We welcome submissions from national and international academics, researchers, and graduate students.  The journal is particularly committed to publishing high quality work; therefore, contributors are expected to meet high standard of scholarly excellence.  To establish communication in compliance with scholarly journal publishing standards, the editorial board has laid down a code of conduct for the following concerned parties:  


Authors are required to:

  1. verify that the manuscript submitted has neither been already published before nor has it been in the process of being considered for publication elsewhere.
  2. verify the originality of their work and ensure that it does not infringe any copyright or patent.
  3. submit manuscripts that are free of any plagiarism. They are expected to make citations of others' work and ideas explicit.
  4. ensure that co-authors whose names appear in the manuscript must have made substantial contributions to the submitted work.
  5. report the truth and ensure the integrity of the research findings, refraining from, distorting, or providing false information.
  6. disclose the funding sources that supported the research and acknowledge any potential conflicts of interest (if applicable).
  7. adhere to the stylistic and bibliographical requirements outlined on the Journal's website.


Reviewers are responsible for:

  1. maintaining the information in the manuscript confidential and not disclosing it to unrelated individuals during the period of manuscript evaluation.
  2. assessing the manuscript in their respective field of expertise, considering the significance of the content, research methodology, data analysis, and academic rigor.
  3. disclosing any conflicts of interest with the authors, such as collaboration or personal relationship, that may hinder their ability to provide unbiased feedback and recommendations. If any conflicts exist, reviewers should inform the editor and decline the review.
  4. evaluating the manuscript objectively, without any bias or hidden agenda.
  5. notifying the editor if they identify any instance of plagiarism in the manuscript, wherein materials are not properly cited or referenced.  


The editor is responsible for:

  1. exclusively screening and evaluating the quality of the submitted manuscripts to determine their suitability for publication in the journal.
  2. maintaining strict confidentiality and refraining from disclosing any information regarding the authors and reviewers to unrelated parties during the peer review process, until the manuscript is officially published.
  3. exercising careful discernment in selecting manuscripts for publication, only after they have undergone rigorous peer review, taking into consideration their academic significance, clarity, and alignment with the journal's objectives and publication policy.
  4. publishing only manuscripts that have not been previously published in other journals, adhering to the principles of academic integrity and originality.
  5. diligently avoiding any conflicts of interest that could compromise the interests of the authors, reviewers, and the editorial team, ensuring impartiality and fairness in the decision-making process.
  6. thoroughly checking for plagiarism in the submitted manuscript using standard and widely accepted software in the academic community. If any plagiarism is detected, the editor must suspend the evaluation process and immediately contact the primary author to request clarification in order to make an informed decision on accepting or rejecting the publication of the manuscript.