About the Journal

FOYER: The Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences, and Education

FOYER: The Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences, and Education a publication of Faculty of Liberal Arts, Mahidol University, was first published in 2024. Two semi-annual issues are scheduled for January-June and July-December each year.

FOYER: The Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences, and Education publishes articles in Thai, English, and also other languages. The editor welcomes submissions of previously unpublished manuscripts in four categories: academic -, research -, review articles, and book reviews.  Submitted manuscripts will be screened through a double-blind review by three readers from relevant academic disciplines.

FOYER: The Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences, and Education welcomes submissions of previously unpublished manuscripts in four categories: academic -, research -, review articles, and book reviews.  Submitted manuscripts may not currently be reviewed for other journals. A complete version of articles appearing in conference proceedings may be considered, provided that the author(s) has extended the original by 60% at the least. In this case, an explicit acknowledgment of the first publishing is required in the extended manuscript.

Scope: Covers Liberal Arts content, including Linguistics, Humanities, Social Sciences, and Education

The Faculty of Liberal Arts, Mahidol University is launching FOYER: The Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences, and Education as a forum for the publication of research and academic endeavors by Mahidol staff and its reader members.  Two semi-annual issues for January-June and July-December are published each year. Academicians, researchers, and students are now invited to submit manuscripts. Any further inquiry can be directed to mulajournal@gmail.com

Publication fees are not charged.