Religion and Cultural Tourism in Promoting Pilgrim Route of Prai Patthana Temple, Sisaket Province


  • Pra Sudrit Thanasaro Independent researcher in Dharma Practice Center, Atulo Chalermprakiet, Surin Province
  • Yasothara Siriphapraphagon Lecturer in Major of Political Science, Faculty of Buddhism, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, Surin Campus


Religion, Cultural Tourism, Pilgrim Route, Prai Patthana Temple, Sisaket Province


The purposes of this paper is to describe the meaning, emphasis, benefit of cultural tourism especially Buddhism in pilgrimage dimension. There are a lot of activities such as respect the sacred things and enhancing the auspiciousness, learning the principles and teachings, learning ancient history, learning local art folk culture importance, learning community traditions, and transferring of local cultural heritage. Moreover, the paper is to discuss the religion cultural tourism with pilgrimage dimension in the case of Phrai Phatthana Temple, Phrai Phatthana sub-district, Phu Sing district, Sisaket Province that can be an important strategic point for beneficial to economic and cultural development as well. Because of Phrai Phatthana Temple is located next to the Cambodian border. There are many Cambodians coming to travel which affected the remarkable and unique for Sisaket Province. Moreover, it is well-known to tourists from publicity through various media. When analyzing the value of the role that tourism affected to the community found that tourists' beliefs in religion and cultural exchanges have an effect on community economy and exchange of cultural of religious and artistic. It found that the tourism areas are the center of exchanging. The worth of religion cultural tourism with pilgrimage dimension found that it has local identity, source of religion learning, income for communities, remarkable landmark where can develop in cultural, religious, and history. The worth for travellers show that they have faith and can control their mind and behavior. In addition, the worth for tourism influence show that it is important for mind power generation. It affects people to do follow teachings, be a guideline for making a good lifestyle, cause people not to do outside the rules, and can affects people to do follow the regularity, rules, and regulation.


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