Motivation Affecting the Operational Efficiency of Personnel Agricultural Cooperative in Sisaket Province


  • Yupaporn Chantorn Student in Master of Business Administration Program in Business Administration, Faculty of Management Sciences, Surindra Rajabhat University
  • Teerawat Purateeranrath Assistant Professor in Master of Business Administration Program in Business Administration, Faculty of Management Sciences, Surindra Rajabhat University
  • Ubonwan Suwannapusit Assistant Professor in Master of Business Administration Program in Business Administration, Faculty of Management Sciences, Surindra Rajabhat University


Motivation, Operational Efficiency, Agricultural Cooperative


This research aimed to 1) study the motivational operation of agricultural cooperative personnel in Sisaket Province 2) study the operational efficiency of agricultural cooperative personnel in Sisaket Province and 3) study the motivation affecting the operational efficiency of agricultural cooperative personnel in Sisaket Province. The sample was 210 of agricultural cooperative personnel in Sisaket Province. The tool was a rating scale questionnaire with the reliability of 0.951. The statistics used for data analysis were percentage, mean, standard deviation, and using multiple regression analysis methods for hypothesis testing. The results found that the most of the sample were female, age 41 - 50 years, educational background is at a bachelor's degree, marital status, under the credit department, 2 - 5 years of work experience, average monthly income is 15,000-20,000 Baht, average monthly expense is 15,000 - 20,000 Baht, while motivational operation on motivational and supporting factors are at a high level and operational efficiency of agricultural cooperative personnel is also at a high level. Moreover, the level of impact of motivation affecting the operational efficiency of agricultural cooperative personnel in Sisaket Province was found in only 7 variables such as success in work, operation characteristic, responsibility, policy and organizational management, command and supervision, work environment, and compensation factors. As for the problems and obstacles in the operation, the most were lack of opportunities to express opinions, and suggest that the manager should allow the management department, who is the performer to express opinions on the operations.


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