Herbal Cosmetic Purchasing Behavior of Consumers in the Municipal Area of Surin Province


  • Pimpassorn Chootrakul Faculty of Management Science Surindra Rajabhat University
  • Natthawut Jaikle Faculty of Management Science Surindra Rajabhat University
  • Pennaruemol Jara Faculty of Management Science Surindra Rajabhat University


Behavior of Consumers, Herbal Cosmetic


The objectives of this research were: 1) to study herbal cosmetic purchasing behavior of consumers in the municipal area of Surin province; and 2) to study a relationship of individual factors and herbal cosmetic purchasing behavior of consumers in the municipal area of Surin province. The participants of this study were 150 herbal cosmetic consumers living in the municipal area of Surin province. Data were collected through a questionnaire. The collected data were analyzed for mean and percentage. Further, a Chi-square was also applied. The study found that most of respondents were female (125 or 83.3%) during 31-40 years old (60 or 40.0%). 73 respondents are state governors or state enterprise employees (48.7%). The income of most respondents are about 10,000-20,000 baht (68 or 45.3%). Most of the respondents purchase herbal skin care cosmetic (87 or 58.0%) and they buy 1-2 pieces of herbal cosmetic each time (101 or 67.3%). The reason for buying the herbal cosmetic is a qualified quality of herbal cosmetic products (81 or 54.0%). Generally, the consumers decide to buy herbal cosmetic productห by themselves (87 or 58%) and they usually buy herbal cosmetic products once a month (120 or 80%). They usually spend lower than 1,000 baht for buying herbal cosmetic products each time (95 or 63.3%). Normally, customers buy herbal cosmetic products at the end of each month (105 or 70%). In addition, the study revealed that gender, age, occupation, and monthly income are individual factors are significantly interrelated with the herbal cosmetic purchasing behaviors according to types of products, numbers, purchasing frequency, and expenditures at 0.05 of statistical significant level.


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