The Study In Learning Outcomes In Theory Of Harmony Through Cooperative Learning For Bachelor’s Degree Students In Music, The Faculty Of Fine Arts, Srinakharinwirot University


  • ฌานิก หวังพานิช สาขาวิชาดุริยางคศาสตร์สากล คณะศิลปกรรมศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยศรีนครินทรวิโรฒ


cooperative learning, learning outcomes, satisfaction, theory of harmony


        This research is quasi – experimental Research using research design developed from One – Group Pretest – Posttest Design aimed to examine the effect of students’ learning outcomes in Theory of Harmony through the cooperative learning and to study students’ satisfaction toward the cooperative learning in Theory Harmony Subject. The sample was 15 Bachelor’s students in Music, the Faculty of Fine Art, Srinakharinwirot University who enrolled in Theory of Harmony I Subject in the first semester of the academic year 2559. The research tools included the experimental tool including the Cooperative Learning Lesson Plan in Theory of Harmony; and the data-collecting tools consisting of the Achievement in Theory of Harmony test; the Retention test; the Behaviour of group work Evaluation form; and the Satisfaction toward the cooperative learning in Theory of Harmony test. The tools had the reliability coefficient of 0.81, 0.83, 0.87 and 0.89 respectively. The results derived from the data are calculated using a simple descriptive statistical analysis and also statistical analysis of the t-test for Dependent Sample and the t-test for One–Sample, using SPSS Statistics 22.0.
        The findings were 1) the students taking the cooperative learning significantly increased their learning achievement in Theory of Harmony both individual and overall; 2) the students taking the cooperative learning showed their learning achievement at a moderate level; 3) students’ learning achievement in Theory of Harmony after taking the cooperative learning and their learning achievement four weeks after taking the cooperative learning showed similar scores, indicating their learning retention; 4) the students taking the cooperative learning showed their good behaviour of group work; and 5) the students significantly increased their satisfaction displayed more positive characteristics toward the cooperative learning in Theory of Harmony.



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How to Cite

หวังพานิช ฌ. (2019). The Study In Learning Outcomes In Theory Of Harmony Through Cooperative Learning For Bachelor’s Degree Students In Music, The Faculty Of Fine Arts, Srinakharinwirot University. Institute of Culture and Arts Journal, 21(1), 87–101. Retrieved from



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