

  • วรรณวรุณ ตั้งเจริญ


This research has two objectives, which firstly is to obtain relationship between concept of international documentary films and context of green culture; and secondly is to derive the concept and substance to promote ethics. Sample group of studying are 24 documentary films from several countries receiving the 1st international awards. The research was processed in context scope of the concept of documentary film and analyzed into 5 criteria namely human, society, art and culture, environment, and ethics.  The analysis is being collaborated with context of green culture and ethics so as to cultivate ethics into course of green culture.

According to the studying context of documentaries, it is found out that the issues of the problem and its wide effect that related to nature and ethics has enabled us to see vision and acknowledgement that every life compliments to each other both in public and individual.  The complimentary of living being in accordance with characteristic of ecological system leads to balance of physical and thinking, concrete and abstract, behavior and mind; which is the foundation of ethics for sustainable of mutual living.  

Result of the research is revealed that conflicts being happened many times around the world were arisen from unbalancing of nature.  Balancing the nature starts from balancing the inner of human self.  World society is changing and discriminating so much resulted from major trend of societal values namely; consumerism and capitalism that brought human away from being normal. Human being has become mechanism of propelling the growth of consumerism and adhered with consuming much more than it should be. Consequently, potentiality of creativeness of human was clouded and deteriorated; lessen patience and endeavor, and increasing recklessness and sloppily in human behavior.  Trend of expedience made human lack of consciousness.  Consumerism and industrial business competition trends have misled and tempted some human being into accumulating profit and grasping natural resources for their own advantages.  Striving of competition happens more often in term of deceiving and distorting which leads to economic war in many places around the world. This kind of situation causes many problems to human, society, culture and natural environment.

All problems are arising from emotion and action that discriminate human from each other.  Social classification and differentiating of world fraction by adding value of money cannot make any sustainability to humankind as long as stability of financial situation is merely marketing of illusion.  New system of finance may be created with the objective of sincerity, honesty, compassion and generosity without projecting at grasping benefit for only their own group.  Human being is facing with being slavery more than ever and is depriving of freedom in earning their lives for sustainable happiness. Straightforward idea of perfectionism in thinking and action without acknowledging and appreciating value and beauty of nature enhancing diversity of living and supporting each others, deteriorating of ecological  have made unstableness of human lives much more than ever.

Result of the research found out that solution of solving the problems should correct human being as the first priority by applying nature as inspiration that will enhance ethical acknowledgement with mindfulness and concentration together with realizing value and relationship of all living beings. Green culture shares the same aim with ethical behavior of mind, emotion, and truthfulness of human, lives, beauty, sufficiency, supporting, responsibility, morals and sustainability. Green culture can lead human to solidarity of community and society including lessen conflict by creating balance to human acknowledgement that can effect human mind and initiate consciousness, mutual action enhancing peace and happiness in human living or human and nature. 
