

  • สิริมา สัตยาธาร สาขาวิชาการออกแบบแฟชั่นและสิ่งทอ ภาควิชาศิลปกรรมและการออกแบบ คณะสถาปัตยกรรมศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีราชมงคลศรีวิชัย


ผ้าเกาะยอ, การพัฒนา, เส้นด้าย, การย้อมสี, สีธรรมชาติ, พืชในท้องถิ่น


The purpose of the research is to find out guidelines for the development of natural dyes from plants in Songkhla province to use with yarn for textile in Ko Yo, Songkhla province. The sample district consists of Saba Yoi district and Na Thawi district. Ko Yo fabric is a fabric of Songkhla province. The colours are synthetic colours produced by the dyeing factory. This research is a guideline for the development of natural cotton thread products in design of Eco Textile. The research is based on a combination of qualitative research and design thinking using document analysis, related research, interviews with folk scholars, community survey of the province in order to obtain a source of plants that can extract natural colours including weaving groups.

The study indicates that Songkhla is a fertile province with many kinds of plants. In the sample area, many plants are generally found in large numbers, such as Pega tree of which its bark can be extracted yellow, Cassia leaves a gray-green, barks of Jambu tree (Wa) a brown and Balsam leaves can be extracted a light brown. The process of extraction through brewing process is a hot dyeing. Before dyeing, the way to make the color lasting and darker is boiling the thread with acacia leaves (Gratin), rust and muddy water.  The dyed thread is then woven into fabric according to identity and product of the province by consisting of story of dye in each district through the Krasaesin weaving group and the Saphanpha weaving group.


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How to Cite

สัตยาธาร ส. (2018). ผ้าทอเกาะยอจากการพัฒนาเส้นด้ายย้อมสีธรรมชาติในท้องถิ่น. วารสารสถาบันวัฒนธรรมและศิลปะ, 20(1), 89–96. สืบค้น จาก https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jica/article/view/163387