The Impact of Spooky Entertainment in Thailand on Gen-Z Audiences
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This research examines the impact of spooky entertainment on Gen-Z audiences by exploring their perception of spooky topics/stories narrated in the programs, the key takeaways audiences obtained, and how audiences turn obtained knowledge into practice in their daily lives. It provides knowledge for media professionals in delivering moral knowledge through popular media products and fills a body of knowledge in researching the link between spooky Thai entertainment and Gen-Z audiences.
This qualitative research employed focus-group interviews with audiences as the main research method, followed by in-depth interviews with selected participants to gain additional insights. The 48 focus group participants, divided into four main groups of specific spooky programs’ audiences, include audience groups of The Shock, The Ghost Radio, the SathaneePhiDu, and the AungKarnKhumPong.
The results show that Gen-Z audiences are interested in spooky topics, including haunted ghosts and the afterlife, amulets and talismans, black magic, haunted places, ghost hunting, and stories related to Buddhism and traditional Thai beliefs. The key takeaways gained from watching/listening to the programs include the concepts of avoiding recklessness in danger, Karmic Law, doing good things and avoiding bad things, and avoiding breaking a legal regulation. Gen-Z audiences turned moral knowledge learned into practice in the three stages of application: 1) the stage of self-learning and being aware of the key takeaways, 2) the stage of warning themselves to behave well and avoid misbehaving, and 3) the stage of warning and educating others, including their close friends and families.
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