The Research for The Development of Digital Advertising Curriculum

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Nudee Nupairoj
จารุวรรณ นิธิไพบูลย์
ศุภโชคชัย นันทศรี
ธิติพัฒน์ เอี่ยมนิรันดร์


This research is aimed to develop a short curriculum for digital advertising creation in the support of media literacy mobilization among online business owners who are college students. The output of the research benefits the government and civic sectors as well as educational institutions as it can be adapted for other target groups. The research findings include the target group’s overall media literacy level and the ‘creation’ aspect of media literacy at the medium level; the target group’s motivation for participating in this curriculum was to exchange knowledge and experience as well as sales techniques; the training should be a two-day workshop focusing on the lecturer’s experience through team-teaching, student’s participation, which was why the number of students per class should not exceed 20. The evaluation of the drafted curriculum met the criteria of assessment, and the results from using the curriculum in the training showed 69.4 percent of students exhibiting better post-test results; in the meantime, the satisfaction of the training was at the high to highest level and participants agreed that the knowledge received was practical.

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