The Development of Brand Equity Indicators for Cultural Tourism Bangkok old town community, and their Application for Destination Brand Communication

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‪Pitak Chumongkol


             The research was a mixed-method study, aimed to develop brand equity indicators of Bangkok Old Town Community as a cultural tourist attraction from the consumers’ perspective, and to examine the goodness of fit of the measurement model of brand equity indicators with empirical data.

The indicators were developed from literature review and from the conduction of Delphi Technique with experts in cultural tourism. The congruence of the developed indicators was tested with empirical data collected by questionnaires with 461 tourists aged between 18-74 years old through the analysis of the structural equation model. Then, the tested model was proceeded by a focus group interview towards the community’s and tourists’ opinions and recommendations.

From the study, it was found that the brand equity indicators of a cultural tourist attraction, from the consumers’ perspective, comprised five components and fourteen indicators: (1) Destination brand awareness, comprising two indicators: 1.1) brand recall and 1.2) brand recognition (Destination brand awareness: 1.1) brand recall and 1.2) brand recognition) (2) Destination brand image, comprising three indicators: 2.1) cultural tourist attractions of the tourism place, 2.2) structure and environment of tourist attractions, and 2.3) climate of the tourist attractions. (3) Destination perceived quality, comprising three indicators: 3.1) tourist attraction potentials, 3.2) tourism carrying potentials, and 3.3) management (4) Destination brand experience, comprising four indicators: 4.1) sensory experience, 4.2) emotional or affective experience, 4.3) behavioral experience, and 4.4) cognitive or intellectual experience.  (5) Destination brand loyalty, comprising two indicators: 5.1) behavioral brand loyalty and 5.2) attitudinal brand loyalty

The developed model was found to be congruent with the empirical data by the acceptable criteria with seven congruent indices:  RMR=.026, GFI = .900, NFI= .927, IFI= .938, TLI = .919, CFI= .938, and PNFI=.713. In brief, the developed model by the researcher was congruent with the empirical data as specified in the hypothesis.

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