Behavioral change of plastic straw reducing in coffee shops through Community-based Social Marketing

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วิสสุตา ตั้งธนพฤทธิ์
Bu-Nga Chaisuwan


The objective of this research is to study plastic straw reducing in coffee shops through Community-based Social Marketing. As qualitative research, information used in this study was collected in-depth interview and participant observation in two prototype coffee shops: Library cafe and Yelo cafe. Both prototype shops provide alternatives including PLA bio-plastic straws and Paper straws as a possible way of a coffee shop’s policy.

The study adopted 2 behavioral change strategies: 1) Serving drinks with no straws but providing straws at a coffee station. 2) Serving drinks with no straws and straws are strictly given upon request. In addition, Community-based Social Marketing Tools such as Norm, Prompt, Message and Communication were used for eliminating barriers and maintaining new behaviors.

In conclusion, the findings of this study suggest that to choose strategies suitability of the coffee shop features that depending on location, service, types of coffee shop and brand image. Moreover, the supportive behaviors of customers have influenced staffs’ behaviors to changing coffee shop culture and positively impacted adoption of plastic straw reducing policy in the coffee shops.

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