Arguments against the Creation of Worship Icons in Buddhism


  • พระสมุห์อดิเรก อาทิจฺจพโล นักวิชาการอิสระ ด้านปรัชญา


Buddha Images, Worship Icons, Buddhism


This paper presents Buddhists’ arguments against the creation of worship icons in Buddhism. Its objectives include: 1) Presenting the arguments against the creation of worship icons in Buddhism; and 2) Deliberating whether worship icons should be created in Buddhism. There are various perspectives concerning the creation of worship icons, for instance, creating them 1) as holy objects of worship; 2) as reminders of the Buddha’s grace; and 3) as parts of the valuable Buddhist tradition and art. The researcher finds that the creation of Buddha images is different from the creation of worship icons in animistic traditions. The Buddha prohibited attachments to individuals, materials, and objects that one may worship in exchange for blessings or magical results as such attachments may engender unnecessary bonds. Instead, he taught the principle of “Self-Reliance”. Exceptions are, however, allowed in cases of creating worship icons to honor the virtues of individuals such as the Buddha, Buddhist saints, one’s parents, etc. Therefore, it is important to follow the principle of the “Middle Path” in regard to these issues.


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How to Cite

อาทิจฺจพโล พ. (2018). Arguments against the Creation of Worship Icons in Buddhism. Journal of Buddhist Studies Chulalongkorn University, 25(2), 65–72. retrieved from



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