Development of Executive Function Skills for Undergraduate Students of Education Program by Using Board Games
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The objectives of this research were: 1) to develop board games for learning in inclusive education subjects that affect the development of executive function skills for undergraduate students of education programs; 2) to compare pretest and posttest executive function skills of undergraduate students of education programs; and 3) to study satisfaction in learning management by using board games. This research was classroom action research using the four steps of the PAOR research cycle, including planning, action, observation of activity participation, and performance feedback. The statistic used for data analysis included the mean. For difference testing, the t-test for independent samples was administered. Qualitative data from classroom situations were analyzed by descriptive analysis.
The research findings found that: 1) Board games could develop creativity. Since the board games consisted of easy rules to be understood and could enhance planning as well as flexible and careful thinking and interaction in the playing group, in game play, the content relates to students’ daily lives or stories. In addition, the students were part of the content. 2) Comparative findings of ability in executive function skills, emotion, and behavior of students majoring in education, science, and Thai language from the posttest Mean scores, in terms of shift, initiate, working memory, and planning after the intervention, were significantly increased at the.05 level. and 3) The students’ overall satisfaction in learning management by using the board games was at "the highest" level ( = 4.56, S.D. = 0.575).
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