Guidelines for the Development of Herbal Cities in Maha Sarakham Province to Attract the Market of Wellness TouristsGuidelines for the Development of Herbal Cities in Maha Sarakham Province to Attract the Market of Wellness Tourists

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Nisachol Thokaew
Nuttharin Pariwongkhuntorn
Chompunuch Jittithavorn
Suwaree Namwong


In this qualitative research investigation, the researchers examine (1) the needs regarding the types of wellness tourism activities in herbal cities in Maha Sarakham province; propose guidelines for the development of herbal cities in Maha Sarakham province to be appropriate for the wellness tourists in the future. The research instruments consisted of an in-depth interview form and observations from participation in wellness tourism trial activities. The sample population consisted of fifteen volunteer tourists representing trial tourists in Maha Sarakham areas.

            Findings show that the types of wellness promotion activities in the dimension of well being are in five aspects. (1) Physical activities should not be overly strenuous but should be such as consuming healthy foods, practicing light stretching, engaging in simple yoga poses, having herbal massages, using saunas, and compressing therapies. (2) Mental activities include merit-making, chanting, praying to sacred objects, being in nature, and learning cultures. (3) Emotional activities involve being close to nature and the community culture, and experiencing friendliness. (4) Social activities consist of engaging in community lifeways, conversing about herbal use, gaining knowledge and local wisdom, participating in group cooking or the communal dining of healthy meals, and collaborating in simple herbal product-making activities. (5) Spiritual activities include promoting spiritual wellbeing. The highest proportion of the tourists thought of meditation as a way to restore spirits for mindfulness, contemplation, and wisdom. Traveling enhances them to understand life and human nature.

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