The Relationship Between Service Marketing Factors and the Usage Behavior of Electric Vehicle Users of Electric Vehicle Charging Stations in Bangkok Metropolis
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In this research investigation, the researchers examine the demographic factors, service marketing mix, and the usage behavior of the electric vehicle users of the electric vehicle charging stations; investigate the relationship between demography, service marketing mix and the usage behavior of the electric vehicle users of the electric vehicle charging stations in Bangkok Metropolis. Data were collected using a questionnaire. The sample population consisted of 400 PHEV and BEV electric vehicle users who used electric vehicle charging stations in Bangkok Metropolis using the method of multi-stage sampling. Data were analyzed using the descriptive statistics of frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. The inferential statistics used consisted of the t test, one-way ANOVA, and chi-square.
Findings showed that the highest proportion of the users were male, aged 25 – 31 years, single, with a bachelor’s degree, working as company employees with an income of 10,000 – 24,000 baht per month. The electric vehicle users paid attention to the service marketing mix factors overall at a high level. The aspects of product, personnel, process, and physical characteristics were at the highest level. They exhibited usage behavior due to convenience. They reserved the service through an application. The service locations were in gas stations. The period of service use was at a peak on Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 22:00 hours. The chargers were of AC Type 1 and AC Type 2. The electric vehicle users made their own decision to use a service themselves. The average charging volume per time was 82.83 percent with an average cost of 202.72 baht per time. The hypothesis test showed the following. Different demographical characteristics affected the service marketing mix factors of the electric vehicle users. Demographical characteristics correlated with the charging station usage behavior. Service marketing mix factors correlated with the charging station usage behavior at the statistically significant level of .05.
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