Quality of Work-Life Factors Affecting the Work-Life Balance of Company Employees in Bangkok Metropolis
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In this quantitative research, the researchers examine the quality of work-life factors affecting the work-life balance of the company employees in Bangkok Metropolis. Data were collected using a questionnaire. The sample population consisted of 400 company employees in Bangkok Metropolis using the method of convenience sampling. Data were analyzed using the descriptive statistics of frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. The technique of multiple regression analysis was also employed.
Findings showed that the quality of work-life factors could be explanatory of the work-life balance of the employees under study at 88.7 percent. The quality of the work-life factor that could explain the work-life balance at the highest level was the aspect of the management of work and personal life at 0.288 (t = 14.724, p = 0.000). Next in descending order were the aspects of advancement and stability at 0.178 (t = 5.927, p = 0.000); adequate and fair compensation at 0.165 (t = 7.297, p = 0.000); opportunities for personal skill development at 0.101 (t = 3.512, p = 0.000); good relationships within the organization at 0.074 (t = 2.735, p = 0.007); and social relevance at 0.051 (t = 2.416, p = 0.016). The aspects of safe and hygienic working conditions and organizational justice could not explain the overall variance in the work-life balance of the company employees in Bangkok Metropolis.
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