The Development of Creative Tourism Potentiality in Phatthalung Province
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In this research investigation, the researchers examine the development of creative tourism potentiality in Phatthalung province and propose guidelines for the development of creative tourism potentiality in Phatthalung province.
The method of qualitative research was employed. Data were collected using the technique of in-depth interview from five groups of twenty-two key informants: the public sector, the private sector, the community sector, academics, and groups of people with various occupations. Data were analyzed using the technique of content analysis.
Findings show that the creative tourism potentiality in Phatthalung province can be divided into the following four aspects. (1) Tourist attractions: There are Tale Noi, rafting at Pa Payom district, manohra, shadow play, palaces, and temples. (2) Tourist carrying capacity: Overall, the province has a high tourist carrying capacity. (3) Management: A group of business operators was formed as well as their networks at a district and provincial level. (4) The environmental management: The municipality has a policy for communities to focus on household waste separation for waste processing and value addition. Organic farming is also supported. Guidelines for the development are as follows: (1) fostering cooperation between various agencies; (2) providing local tour guides; (3) developing an application; (4) organizing creative tourism activities; and (5) developing and improving travel routes to access tourist attractions. This research investigation can be used for tourism planning and adapted for designing and developing creative tourism activities for all sectors concerned for future benefits.
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