Customer Experience Management and Thainess in Hotels: The Case of West Coast Tourism Development Zone

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Pinyapat Muneekaew
Nuttarin Pariwongkulatorn
Suwaree Namwong
Santidorn Puripakdee
Chompunuch Jittithavorn


In this research investigation, the researchers examine customer experience management and Thainess in hotels by studying the experience management and Thainess of hotel business operators in the West Coast Tourism Development Zone i.e. Phetchaburi, Prachuab Khiri Khan, Chumphon, and Ranong provinces. The qualitative research was conducted based on the concept of phenomenology. Data were collected from October 2021 to February 2022. The technique of in-depth interview was employed with nine key informants. The method of purposive sampling was used to select eight subjects with the position of executive in hotel businesses. The structured sampling approach was used to select one subject who was the President of the Thai Hotel Association-Western Chapter. Data were analyzed from semi-structured in-depth interview forms from the key informants. Data were processed for the frequency of the research questions initially determined.

Findings showed that the key informants exhibited customer experience management and Thainess in four core issues as follows.

1) The aspect of personnel: Be able to communicate with customers, possess well-rounded knowledge of tourist attractions, and deliver experience through sensory perception to customers.

2) The aspect of management: Create standards for service work, organize accommodation environment for relaxation, decorate the location with area identity, retain natural areas, and create loyalty for customers to return for services.

3) The aspect of technology: Provide electronic equipment for customers, produce public relations to promote accommodation through appropriate social media on online channels, websites and the Facebook fan page.

4) The aspect of Thai food: Prepare fresh raw materials that can be acquired in the areas, decorate dishes to be more appetizing with modernness and delicious flavors.

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