Attitudes Affecting the Intention to Use Digital Currency (Bitcoin) of Female Consumers in Phuket Province
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In this study, the researchers compare the intention to use digital currency (Bitcoin) based on the differences of personal factors. The researchers examine the influence of attitudes on the intention to use digital currency (Bitcoin) of female consumers in Phuket province. A questionnaire was tested for the index of item objective congruence with the value higher than 0.5. Its reliability was determined for alpha coefficient at 0.914-0.951. Data were collected from members of the sample population and the following was found. The highest proportion of questionnaire respondents were 25-35 years old, single, with a bachelor’s degree, being government officials/state enterprise employees with an income of 15,000-30,000 baht per enterprise.
Findings showed that attitudes towards digital currency (Bitcoin) was at a moderate level with the mean of 3.37. The intention to use digital currency (Bitcoin) was at a moderate level with the mean of 3.22. The multiple regression analysis found that attitudes exhibited an influence on the intention to use digital currency (Bitcoin) with the strongest effect in the aspect of behavioral tendency (Beta = 0.572). Next in descending order were the aspect of emotions (Beta = 0.209) and the aspect of knowledge or understanding (Beta = 0.164). The coefficients were in the same positive direction.
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