Strategies for Developing Early Childhood Educational Quality Through the Collaboration of Private Schools, Chiang Mai Province

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Niyada Korakovida


This research was to study the current state, problems on needs for development, and factors facilitating childhood education quality development. Data acquired were constructed and validated to study the effect of using the strategy. The research population was of the administrators/personnel responsible for operational plans of 115 private childhood schools in Chiang Mai, 32 childhood education committee members, 1 expert on strategy from the Chiang Mai Primary Educational Service Area Office, 12 professionals, persons responsible for the plans, teachers, personnel, and members of parent networks of the school applying the strategy for childhood education quality development under the collaboration of 32 private schools in Chiang Mai.

The findings reveal that the aspect rated with the highest mean in each of the components was the current state of leadership, problem concerning preschool curriculum and school management, and needs for childhood curriculum development. The educational quality assurance was found high implemented of the schools. The common value which was the internal factor was found to facilitate education quality development the most and had conditions as the strength the most. Socio-cultural factors were outside factors found to facilitate education quality development the most. The schools had opportunity opening factor the most. The results from data analysis on the phase 3 external quality assessment (2011-2015) run by Office for National Education Standards and Quality Assessment by indicator cluster reveal that large schools had higher average score than schools of other sizes. The results of the operation on childhood education quality development strategy with the collaboration of private schools in Chiang Mai in general were at the highest level.  


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How to Cite
Korakovida, N. (2017). Strategies for Developing Early Childhood Educational Quality Through the Collaboration of Private Schools, Chiang Mai Province. Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences Studies, 17(3), 307–324.


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