Aims and Scope

Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences Studies (HASSS) is a double-blinded peer-reviewed, open-access journal published by Silpakorn University, Thailand. The main objective is to provide a forum for researchers in the fields of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences to publish their articles. Our mission is to promote awareness of and compatibility with the dynamics of various study areas and to disseminate relevant research work to support the need for new knowledge related to art and culture, human beings and society.

There is no publication fee charged for HASSS. The journal welcomes submissions on a wide range of branches of Humanities, Arts and Social Studies. The journal covers a variety of issues including:

  • History and Philosophy
  • Archaeology and Anthropology
  • Language, Linguistics and Literature
  • Fine and Applied Arts
  • Architecture
  • Education
  • Communication and Media
  • Management
  • Political Science
  • Social Sciences
  • Thai Studies

HASSS publishes articles in the following categories:

  • Research articles: Full reports of research projects including background, theoretical frameworks, methodology and data, results and discussion.
  • Review articles: Articles which provide a comprehensive summary or review on a certain topic and a perspective on the state of related fields. Review articles are usually by invitation from the journal’s editorial team. However, independent submissions are also welcome.

Publication Frequency

HASSS is published three times a year: No. 1, January–April; No. 2, May–August; No. 3, September–December. 

Title History

The journal was established in 2000 and was known under the title “Silpakorn University International Journal” from 2000-2010 (ISSN-Print 1513-4717). The journal published papers in all fields. From 2011 to 2015, the title of the journal was “Silpakorn University Journal of Social Science, Humanities and Arts” (ISSN-Print 1513-4717) and focused only on publications in the related fields of study. In 2017, the print version was discontinued and the journal has provided online publications since then (ISSN-Online 2586-8519). In 2018, the journal title was changed to “Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences Studies” (HASSS) which provides only an online version (ISSN-Online 2630-0079).

Ownership and management

Silpakorn University Research, Innovation and Creativity Administration Office, Sanam Chandra Palace Campus
6 Rachamakha Nai Rd., Amphoe Muang, Nakhon Pathom 73000, Thailand.
Tel. +66 6507 04679 E-mail:
Silpakorn University
Publishing schedule
Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences Studies is published three times a year in April, August and December