Market orientation in non-profit organizations: the guideline for future research

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Wanlee Putsom


Market orientation (MO) is an important marketing strategy that marketers use to sustain and improve firm performance in both profit and nonprofit organizations. In the context of nonprofit organizations (NPO), MO seems to be prevalent in conceptual papers and empirical evidence. Therefore, the two objectives of this study are first, to examine the antecedents and consequences of MO concept referenced in empirical research. Second, to offer the grouping of antecedents, intervening variable and consequences to help other authors better understand the purpose, processes, and procedures for MO in NPO. Finally, a summary and discussion of results and propose guidelines for MO research in the NPO area. From many researches, the understandings of the consequences and antecedents of MO is categorized by a disintegrated, diverse, and modified group of data that prevents practical advancement and scholarship. The main reasons for lacking apparent awareness are the lack of combination and adjustment of the disintegrated knowledge. To discuss this literature gap, the author evaluates and reviews seventy-one articles published from 1997 to 2019. The findings show that despite the considerable development in prior years, studies on MO are yet distinguished by the loss of a strong hypothetical support, the failure to permit on the appropriate aspects of MO, and some tendencies in research intention and statistical methods, which may describe the many inconsistencies and perplexing findings in previous studies. Based on these findings, the author discusses inferences and proposes guidelines for future research.


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Review Articles


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