Effective Community Participation in Environmental Risk Management for Household Accident Prevention among Elders

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Duriyang Wassana
Banchong Witthayawirasak


This research aimed to manage environmental risks in order to prevent accidents at homes of the elderly.  A participatory action research (PAR) was implemented by 29 core researchers and 51 participants.  Five steps were utilized, including 1) defining issues, goals and preparing research, 2) methodology and data collection, 3) data analysis, 4) risk management, and 5) evaluation.  Several tools were developed by the researchers, including interview forms, questionnaires, and home environmental risk checklists.  The target population were 51 households with elderly residents.  A total of 71 elderly people were interviewed and 34 caregivers were asked to answer self-report questionnaires for caregivers.  Each household was surveyed of risk environments and documented of any incidence of accident occurred at home during the years 2013-2015.  The process of PAR improved the community awareness of the home environmental risk to the elders and increased the participation on the risk management.  Many unsafe environments were found in their home, especially in the bathrooms and kitchens.  Accordingly, the risk management plan was proposed.  Many activities were included, such as toilet improvement, accident prevention training, motivational walking campaigns, mentoring and counseling on home risk management.  Subsequently, the implementation of the plan led to ongoing management of the risks and successful accident reduction.  Follow-up visits found that elderly people had their knowledge increased 20.6% (p <.01) and unsafe behaviors decreased 15.2% (p <.01).  The caregivers’ knowledge also increased 4.8% (p <.01), and safe elderly care practice increased 8.6% (p <.01).  In addition, the use of home safety devices increased 28.2% (p <.01).  The home risk factors declined 21.4% (p <.01).  The accident incidence fell 63.8%.  The environmental risk fell in all areas.  The PAR created the community empowerment and a continuity of the risk management process which led to sustainability of the operation.


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How to Cite
Wassana, D., & Witthayawirasak, B. (2017). Effective Community Participation in Environmental Risk Management for Household Accident Prevention among Elders. Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences Studies, 17(3), 287–306. https://doi.org/10.14456/sujsha.2017.25


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