Motivating Undergraduate Students in the Faculty of Logistics to Learn English

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Denis Samokhina
Sarunya Lertputtarak


This study investigated the English language motivation factors that influence students to study English for their future career success. In the study, 230 students who studied English for logistics were the respondents and a total of 200 questionnaires were used for data analysis. The data were analyzed by Exploratory Factor Analysis to classify groups of motivation factors, and multiple linear regression was used to solve the hypothesis. The study revealed that there are nine motivational factors: factor 1, interested in English; factor 2, opportunity seeking; factor 3, interaction with friends/socialization; factor 4, dislike English; factor 5, better career and working abroad; factor 6, prestige; factor 7, opportunity to learn a foreign culture; factor 8, feeling respect for native speakers, and factor 9, motivated by English teachers.  However, there are only 5 factors that influenced the willingness of participants to learn English for their career success, which are: interested in English; opportunity seeking motivation; interaction with friends/socialization; prestige; and motivated by English teachers. The findings of this study may have important implications for English education and language training programs.


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How to Cite
Samokhina, D., & Lertputtarak, S. (2017). Motivating Undergraduate Students in the Faculty of Logistics to Learn English. Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences Studies, 17(3), 267–286.


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