Speaking Tinglish for Professional Communication: A Reflection of Thai English Used by Tour Guides along the Andaman Sea

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Pairote Bennui


The local identity of English emerges when non-native speakers express the language different from Standard English. Currently, the term ‘a Thai variety of English’ seems to be marginalized because of the controversial notion of ‘Thai English’. Moreover, many Thais use ‘Tinglish’ or broken English, rather than correct English. However, such ‘rotten English’ is structured for professional communication and implies a range of Thai English. This is evident in the features of spoken English by Thai tour guides in provinces along the Andaman Sea. This study aims to examine Tinglish or the basilectal variety of Thai English used in tourism spoken discourses and the tour guides’ views towards the use of this lectal variety using an integrated framework based on World Englishes by Kachru (1983; 1985; 2005) and the lectal varieties of New Englishes by Platt et al. (1984). It appears that the Thai tour guides demonstrated their unique linguistic features of Tinglish through meaningful and communicative expressions that contribute to a Thai identity of English.


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How to Cite
Bennui, P. (2017). Speaking Tinglish for Professional Communication: A Reflection of Thai English Used by Tour Guides along the Andaman Sea. Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences Studies, 17(3), 233–266. https://doi.org/10.14456/sujsha.2017.30


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