Creativity among Information Technology Professionals in Thailand

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Sunya Uthaivoravit


This study examined creativity among IT professionals employed in organizations in Thailand. Using a theoretical basis for creativity derived from neuroscience and represented by 20 creative traits/abilities data was collected by questionnaire from samples of 187 IT Managers and 206 IT Officers. For each of the traits/abilities it is hypothesized that IT Managers consider it to be significantly important as a characteristic of IT Officers employed in the organizations and for the IT Officers it is hypothesized that each trait/ability is significantly evident in their behavior. The findings confirm that IT Managers consider these traits/abilities to be significantly important and that they are evident to a significant extent in the behaviors of IT Officers. In general these findings are supported for males and females in both groups. However, differences between males and females in both groups are described. Traits/abilities where the importance assigned by IT Managers is not matched by the behaviors of IT Officers are identified and are incorporated in a discussion of the practical implications of the findings and ideas for further studies.     


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How to Cite
Uthaivoravit, S. (2017). Creativity among Information Technology Professionals in Thailand. Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences Studies, 17(3), 85–130.


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