Economic Analysis of Electricity Generation from Chicken Manure by Plug Flow Anaerobic Digester and CSTR Anaerobic Digester

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Porametr Arromdee
Angkana Nawalerskasama
Nattida Saewong


This research was aimed to study the investment efficiency in electricity generation from chicken manure by utilizing the systems of plug flow anaerobic digester and the completely stirred tank reactor (CSTR) anaerobic digester. In this research, the chicken manure from a chicken farm in Eastern Thailand is used as a model. The criteria applied in study included Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), Benefit/Cost Ratio (B/C Ratio), Payback Period (PB) and Unit Cost (UC). Both systems used chicken manure 90 tons per day to generate electricity by plug flow anaerobic digester which has the capacity to generate 600 kW of electricity while CSTR anaerobic digester had the capacity to generate 1,616 kW of electricity. Based on the measure of the electricity from renewable biogas and the project which runs for 20 years, it was found that electricity generation from chicken manure by plug flow anaerobic digester had an NPV rate of 70,138,270 Baht, 24.90% of IRR, 1.41 of B/C Ratio, 3 years and 8 months of Payback Period, and Unit Cost 2.73 Baht/unit while that from chicken manure by CSTR anaerobic digester had a NPV rate of 88,923,974 Baht, 10.60% of IRR, 1.09 of B/C Ratio, 7 years and 6 months of Payback Period, and Unit Cost 6.08 Baht/unit. In conclusion, both systems have the significant investment efficiency


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How to Cite
Arromdee, P., Nawalerskasama, A., & Saewong, N. (2017). Economic Analysis of Electricity Generation from Chicken Manure by Plug Flow Anaerobic Digester and CSTR Anaerobic Digester. Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences Studies, 17(3), 27–50.


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