รูปแบบเขตสังคมและวัฒนธรรมพิเศษชุมชนปกาเกอะญอฤๅษีคนต้นทะเล บ้านมอทะ-หม่องกว๊ะ ตำบลแม่จัน อำเภออุ้มผาง จังหวัดตาก

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สุวิชาน พัฒนาไพรวัลย์


Special Socio-cultural Zone of Pgaz K’ Nyau hermit Kon Ton TA lay Community in Mor ta – Hmong Kwa village, Maejan sub district, Umphang district, Tak.


This study was directed at the cultural heritage of Pka K’ Nyau hermit community at Mor Ta -Hmong Kwa village and Type of Special Socio-cultural Zone in Pka K’ Nyau hermit Kon Ton Ta Lay Community at Mor Ta – Hmong Kwa village, Maejan Sub District, Umphang District, Tak Province.

This study used qualitative research methods, selecting 30 respondents covering different groups and sources of information including youth, housewives and Indigenous knowledge experts, to participate throughout the study. The participatory data collection approach included: community mapping, cultural calendar analysis, focus group discussions, in-depth interviews, transect walks, voice of seeds and participatory observation to observe the customs and ceremony of the community. To recheck the accuracy of information data triangulation and methodological triangulation were applied.

          The results showed that the cultural heritage of the Pka K’ Nyau hermit community at Mor Ta -Hmong Kwa village hold the E-Si or the hermit as the highest spiritual leader, and also found that the Ton Tha lay have a philosophy of “the lazy.” Research also illustrated knowledge about watershed forests and conservation forests, the temple of the hermit, rotational farming as a sustainable agriculture system, hair as an aspect of identity of hermit religion, traditional cloth, community forests, inviting guests for meal, traditional weaving, tradition handicraft, local konjac and ma-ei, bamboo pagoda rituals and traditional stoves as the hearth of the house.

          In the case of the Special Socio-cultural Zone in Pka K’ Nyau hermit Kon Ton TA lay Community at Mor Ta – Hmong Kwa village, Maejan sub district, Umphang district, Tak Province, the community has brought their cultural heritage into special-cultural zone showing that it has a special place in relation to the temple of the hermit acting as central hub since it is the center where community members meet, share and talk. It is the heart of community because the hermit who is their spiritual leader lives there and it is also the place where traditional and cultural celebrations and activities are organized.

Article Details

Academic article


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