Ethics for the Publication of Articles in Journal of Fine Arts

Journal of Fine Arts is the medium that publicizes research works, relative works, discoveries or new academic issues in the field of arts by researchers, academics, artists, students and people who are interested in the subject in order to ensure that the publication of academic works by the Journal is accurate, with quality, transparent and accountable in accordance with the principle of good governance, which can truly guarantee the quality of the academic works that are publicized, in accordance with international academic standards.

Based on the aforementioned rationale, the Publicatikon Department of the Journal of Fine Arts sets the code of conducts, good practices and ethics for the publication of academic works for the operations by the Journals and all the related parties which are the responsibilities for 3 groups of people, namely, authors of articles, editors of the Journal and peer reviewers, to study on, understand and follow, as follows.


Roles and Responsibilities of Article Author

1. Each author has to confirm that each of their publicized works is new and has never been published or publicized anywhere else before.

2. Each author has to compose his/her articles accurately in accordance with the compositions, pattern and criteria set by the Journal.

3. Each author has to refer to others’ works in case where such works are used in his/her article, through the references and bibliography in order to show the evidence of the research and study efforts.

4. Each author must report all the facts that happen from the research or academic study with academic integrity without corrupting the data or giving false data and without the overwhelming focus on academic advantages until causing ignorance or violation to individuals’ personal rights or human rights.

5. Each author must not publicize articles with the same title in more than 1 academic journal nor should each author plagiarize any statement from any of his/her former works without referring to the former work in accordance with the academic principle until there is the misleading that it is a new work.

6. Each author must indicate sources of fund for his/her research project in his/her article.

7. Each of all the authors of an article, whose names are shown in the article, must truly take parts in researching, studying and composing the article.

8. Since the beginning of the submission of his/her article, each author has to inform the Publication Department of any conflict of interests.

9. Each author must submit the evidence to prove the permission from the Research Ethical Committee of the institute that conducts the operation or any other related work unit in case where the article relies on information from the research works on human beings or animals.

10. Each author must not interfere or intervene in the process of article consideration or evaluation or any execution by the Journal in any way.

11. Any article that does not pass the evaluation by peer reviewers should be denied and cannot be evaluated again or presented again in any case although is has been adjusted in accordance with the suggestions from reviewers.


Roles and Responsibilities of Editor

1. Each editor has to screen the articles to assure the quality of articles to be publicized in the Journal that he/she is in-charge of.

2. Each editor has the publicize articles in the Journal in accordance with the pattern, compositions and criteria set by the Journal.

3. Each editor must not disclose data of authors and reviewers of articles to any other irrelevant individual during the periods of article evaluation.

4. Each editor must not publicize any article that has been publicized before.

5. Each editor must set the order of the publication of articles with strict adherence to the predetermined criteria.

6. Each editor must not publicize his/her own article in the Journal that he/she is in-charge of while being the editor.

7. Each editor must not have any conflict of interest with any author, reviewer or administrator.

8. Each editor must supervise and manage to ensure that there is no intervention to the process of article consideration or evaluation or any execution by the Journal in any way.


Roles and Responsibilities of Article Reviewer

1. Each reviewer is responsible for keeping the entire information of an article or any part there of secret without being disclosed.

2. Each reviewer must inform the editor of the Journal and deny to evaluate an article if finding out that he/she has any conflict of interest with the author of the article that he/she will evaluate, such as a case where he/she is the advisor of the project or a case of any other cause that disables him/her from giving suggestions or advice in the free manner.

3. Each reviewer should evaluate an article in the field or subject that he/she has expertise, considering the significance of the contents of the article that he/she reviews, as well as the quality of the analysis and the depth of the work.

4. Each reviewer should evaluate each article in accordance with the criteria set by the Journal under academic principles, and without bias; and should evaluate each article on the bases of facts without intention to deviate the result from the evaluation and without using personal assumption that is not sufficiently supported by data as a criterion for the evaluation for any article.

5. Each reviewer must evaluate and critique contents in the academic manner and give academic opinions that are useful for the author of an article in details in order to facilitate the adjustment of the article, with the main focus on academic advancement.

6. Evaluating an article, each reviewer must indicate any key research work or academic work that is concurrent with the contents of the article he/she reviews but the author of the article does not refer to. If the entire article or any part thereof is similar to or can be assumed to plagiarize any other work, the reviewer must notify the editor immediately.

7. Each reviewer must not interfere or intervene in the process of article consideration or evaluation or any execution by the Journal in any way.


Research papers on humans or animals
Journal of Fine Arts, Chiang Mai University require the author of the academic article to submit evidence approved by the operating agency or other relevant research ethics committee. Therefore, the author of the article must attach the research certificate from the Office of the Research Ethics Committee.