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       Research Articles, Academic Articles or Articles on Creative Work Project Book Reviews or Article Reviews that present bodies of knowledge, concepts, theories, methodologies, research works or processes that are related to subjects of liberal arts such as visual art, designing, applied art, music, performance art, art media, media designing, photographic art, philosophic art, aestheticism, art histories or archaeology); 

  •    บทความของท่านมีชื่อ - นามสกุล ตำแหน่ง ตำแหน่งทางวิชาการ หน่วยงานที่สังกัด บทคัดย่อ และคำสำคัญ 3 - 5 คำ ทั้งภาษาไทยและภาษาอังกฤษ 

       Name-Surname, academic titles and organization of all authors, and abstract 3 – 5 words are written in Thai and English languages.

  •    ไฟล์บทความ Word และ PDF จำนวนคำไม่ต่ำกว่า 5,000 คำ แต่ไม่เกินกว่า 10,000 คำ (ไม่รวมจำนวนคำในบทคัดย่อทั้งภาษาไทยและภาษาอังกฤษ) โดยใช้ Template วารสารวิจิตรศิลป์ที่กำหนดให้

       The submission file is in Microsoft Word and PDF file format. The word count is not less than 5,000 words but not more than 10,000 words (not including number of words in Thai and English language abstract), The article should consist all of the parts as follows Fine arts Journal’s Template.     


  •    ไฟล์ภาพประกอบนามสกุล .jpg, jpeg หรือ RAW หรือ TIFF ความละเอียด 300 Pixel / High Resolution ขนาดไฟล์ไม่ต่ำกว่า 500 KB พร้อมกำหนดเลขลำดับภาพให้ตรงกับเลขลำดับภาพในเนื้อหา

        The resolution of the picture used in the article must be 300 Pixels/High Resolution. The file size must not be smaller than 500 KB. The number that shows the order of each image must concur with the number mentioned in the contents.  

  •  การอ้างอิงบรรณานุกรมตรงตามหลักเกณฑ์ของวารสารวิจิตรศิลป์ รายละเอียดการอ้างอิงเพิ่มเติมสามารถดาวน์โหลดได้ที่เว็บไซต์วารสารวิจิตรศิลป์ออนไลน์ (ThaiJO)

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          This paper/journal/article has never been publicized in any journal before and will never be submitted for the publication in any other journal from the day on which it is submitted to the editor team of Fine Arts Journal of Chiang Mai University.  

  •    The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal. If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.

  • บทความต้องมีอัตราความซ้ำซ้อนของเนื้อหา ไม่เกินกว่าร้อยละ 25 (ตรวจด้วยโปรแกรม Turnitin)

Criteria for Article for the Publication on Journal of Fine Arts

Journal of Fine Arts (JOFA), Faculty of Fine Arts, Chiang Mai University

For 2 Issues our Year, 10 Articles per Issue

Issue 1 January - June and Issue 2 July - December


1. Categories of Publicized Articles

1.1 Research Articles, Academic Articles or Articles on Creative Work Project that present bodies of knowledge, concepts, theories, methodologies, research works or processes that are related to subjects of liberal arts such as visual art, designing, applied art, music, performance art, art media, media designing, photographic art, philosophic art, aestheticism, art histories or archaeology

1.2 Book Reviews or Article Reviews that are related to subject of liberal arts as mentioned in Item 1.1
Each article should have specific agendum that need clears description or analysis in accordance with academic principles, or should be supported with literature review that enables the conclusion of the analysis on such an agendum, which might be the collection and processing of knowledge from various sources , which allow systematic analysis. In addition, the author should clearly express his/her academic opinion clearly.


2. Preparation of Article

2.1 Font Style: The article, in both Thai and English languages, must be composed on A4 paper, with TH Sarabun PSK Font in the size of 16 point. Footnotes should be written with the same font in the size of 14 point. In all cases, all the numbers used must be written with Arabic Numbers.

2.2 Article File: Each File should be a ‘.docx’ file.

2.3 Image Files: All image files should be ‘.jpg’, ‘jpeg’, ‘RAW’ or ’TIFF’ files with the resolution of 300 pixels or higher. The size of each file should not be inferior to 500 KB. The number that shows the order of each image must concur with the number mentioned in the contents.


3. Compositions of Article
Compositions of an article must be in the following order: 3.1 Title, Author, Abstract and Keywords; 3.2 Contents, References and Images; and 3.3 Bibliography and Acknowledgment. 3.1 Title, Author, Abstract and Keywords

     3.1.1 Title should be written in Thai and English languages, separated for Thai and English language abstracts. A title should be concise and comprehensible. If the long title of the original research report is used, such a title should be shown as
               a descriptive footnote on the same page of the English and Thai title.

     3.2.2 Author should indicate first name - family name, academic title and work unit or academic institute of the author, written in Thai and English languages, separated for Thai and English language abstracts. In case of an individual study
              written by a student in the graduate level, the first name - family name, academic title and worn unit of the advisor should be indicated after the name of the author.

     3.2.3 Abstract must have Thai and English versions with at least 350 but no more than 500 words (based on the Word Count function of Microsoft Word version 2013 or any newer version).

     3.2.4 Keywords should be in Thai and English languages, separated for Thai and English language abstracts. There should be at least 3 and no more than 5 keywords.

3.2 Contents, References and Images

     3.2.1 Number of Words for each article, for the content only (not including number of words in Thai and English language abstract), there should be no less than 5,000 words and no more than 10,000 words (based on the Word Count
              function of Microsoft Word version 2013 or any newer version). An article that is the proceeding of an academic conference with the content that is the conclusion and summary of the findings from a research work or individual study in 
              the graduate level, which has no addition or extension from the original content to be complete and concurrent to the standards for an academic article, is not accepted.

     3.2.2 References include 1) in-text references in the name-year system in APA 7th edition (see also JOFA’s Handbook), and 2) footnotes in the orders of the numbers at the bottom of each page; if a footnote has a
              reference, the reference is in the form of an in-text reference or the one in the name-year system.

     3.2.3 Images, Charts, Maps, Graphics and so on should be inserted in the context. Each image must be in the same page of the part of the content that refers to it with the consideration of readability, with the related data such as number of
              order, description and source clearly shown in the same system as the in-text reference, or name-year system.

              In case where the author of an article owns a copyright of data, the copyright ownership must be shown as follows: Note: From © first name-family name in English language Date/Month/A.D. of the creation of the data

              For example, (© Pitchaya Soomjinda 08/08/2018).

             The author should be the owner of the copyright of at least 50 percent of all of such data in the publicized article.

3.3 Bibliography and Acknowledgment

      3.3.1 Bibliography should be written in accordance with Turabian style: (see also JOFA’s Handbook https://bit.ly/2VK4AEV).

      3.3.2 Acknowledgment (if any) must follow the Bibliography and contain no more than 150 words (based on the Word Count function of Microsoft Word version 2013 or any newer version).

3.4 Book Review or Article Review

      3.4.1 Title of a Book Review should begin with “Book Review of” phrase, followed by the title of the book and first name - family name of the author of the reviewed book in Thai and English language. In case of an article review, the title should
                begin with “Review of Article of” phrase, followed by the title of the article and first name - family name of the author of the article in both Thai and English languages. If the title of the reviewed book or article is in English language, it is
               unnecessary to add Thai title.

      3.4.2 Author of the Article’s first name - family name, and academic title and work unit or academic institute must be indicated in both Thai and English languages.

      3.4.3 Title of Book or Article is to be in the form of bibliography and in English language in accordance with all the requirements set by the Journal. If it is referring to a book or article in Thai language, the Thai title should be romanized in
               accordance with the rules set by the Royal Institute of Thailand; and the name of the references in the bibliography should be translated into English language.

As for a book, put parentheses at the end of the reference. In the parentheses, identify ISBN number of the book. As for an article, put parentheses at the end of the reference, in the parentheses, add Hyperlink or QR Code that leads to the article directly (if any).


4. Submission of Article and Contact

4.1 Submission of Article
The Author should submit the genuine copy of the Article, attached with the Article Submission Form, through Thai Journals Online (Thai JO) System of Thai-journal Citation Index (TCI) Center. As for a thesis of individual study of a graduate level student, the article should submitted together with the Quality Assurance Form from the advisor. It is agreed that the day on which the Author submits the article is the day of the receipt of the article.


4.2 Contact
Ms.Waratthaya Ananrat (Coordinator)
Publication Department, Journal of Fine Arts
Faculty of Fine Arts, Chiang Mai University
239 Huai Kaeo Road, Suthep Sub-district, Mueang District, Chiang Mai Province 50200
Telephone Number: +66-5394-4829; Fax Number: +66-5321-1724
E-mail: journal-finearts@cmu.ac.th