Tang Chang : Are there something to studies ?

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นวภู แซ่ตั้ง


The aim of this article is to review the academic research about Tang Chang in the context of the modern art in Thailand, especially the issue related to the position of Tang Chang in the crypto-colonial main stream art historiography. Tang Chang was recognized as the marginal of main stream history of the modern art. The studies of Tang Chang appeared on both literature and visual art because Tang Chang was a painter and poet. In the context of modern art, the main narrative is about “western”, “academic art”, “institute” and “Thainess”, but Tang Chang rejected the traditional way of making the work. In addition, the work of Tang Chang was influenced by Chinese Philosophy and Chinese Culture. Consequently, the status of Tang Chang in the context of Thai Modern Art is just an appearance artist, but not related to the main narrative. This made Tang Chang as a misfit of the canon of modern art in Thailand, which just the modern only in word form.

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