
  • NICHAPA CHANLAR Faculty of Fine Arts, Srinakharinwirot University
  • PORAWAN PATTAYANON College of Social Communication Innovation, Srinakharinwirot University
  • NOPPADOL INCHAN College of Social Communication Innovation, Srinakharinwirot University


Theatrical Activity, Game Literacy Skills in the 21 Century, Drama Role Play


The objective of this dissertation was to study: (1) develop theatrical activities to enhance online game literacy in the 21st century; (2) to compare the 21st century online game literacy skills of students in Grades Four to Six at Thonburi Rajabhat University Demonstration School in Samut Prakan, before and after participating in theatrical activities. The samples used in the research selected specific screenings from the Game Addiction Screening Test (GAST), as developed by the Rajnagarin Institute of Child and Adolescent Mental Health of the Department of Mental Health Ministry of Health for 20 students in Grades Four to Six at Thonburi Rajabhat University Demonstration School in Samut Prakan, who had problems with online gaming addiction. The methodology consisted of a process of theatrical activity to strengthen online game literacy in the 21st century and an online game literacy test from the sample, using standard deviation and t-test statistics.

The results of the study found the following: (1) designing theatrical activities to strengthen the literacy of online games in the 21st century. All of the activities encouraged proper knowledge of online gaming. The duration of the study was five weeks and two times at 60 minutes each, a total of 10 times. They can discern the advantages and disadvantages of playing online games and immunize children from being deceived, and they can also use their judgment regarding playing games; (2) the results of measuring online game literacy skills in the 21st century required all three skills: accessibility, analytical, and assessment skills, and the use of online game literacy skills for theatrical activities. It was based on pre-and-post-theatrical activities analyzed with t-test statistics. It was found that the pre-activity access skills had an average of 1.150, the post-activity had an average of 4.60, the pre-activity analytical skills had an average of 1.85, a post-activity score of 10.400, pre-activity assessment skills of 0.95 after activities at 3.55, and the use of online game literacy skills created drama before the activity at 3.90 and after the activity at 18.50. Based on the online game literacy skills in the 21st century, it was found that after all activities the score was statistically significant at 0.05


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บทความวิจัย | Research Article