
  • PHUSANISA SAIBUA Faculty of Fine Arts, Srinakharinwirot University
  • PORAWAN PATTAYANON College of Social Communication Innovation, Srinakharinwirot University


Puppet Theater, Executive Functions Skill, Inhibitory Control


The study of puppet theater to develop the brain skills for restraint among early childhood children at Watklang School (Thamwithanratwittaya) aimes to study and develop puppet theater activities to develop the brain skills of restraint among early childhood children and to compare the brain skills on restraint of early childhood children at Watklang School (Thamwithanratwittaya) before and after organizing a puppet theater activity. The sample group used in this research was students studying in Grade Three of kindergarten, aged 5-6 years, studing at Watklang School (Thammawithanratwittaya), with a total of 12 people, with seven males and five females. selecting in a specific way The research tools were 12 puppet theater activity plans and 10 indicators of restraint brain skills.

The results showed that Designing a Puppet Theater Activity Plan for developing brain skills on restraint among Early Childhood Children The researcher applied the concept of EF Brain Skill Development Theory by giving 13 opportunities to develop 12 puppet theater activities, which consisted of 3 steps as follows. Give students the desire to learn and concentrate before starting activities. Activities It is the learning and practice stage of puppet theater that students must cooperate and practice with everyone. To promote the students' restraint brain skills, such as using puppet shows, playing games, puppet making situations, or inventing, etc. Conclusion and discussion This is where the teacher invites the students to talk about the activities that have been carried out. Including having the students express their feelings and the teachers commend the students for the puppet theater activities. and I used puppet theater activities to develop brain skills on restraint of early childhood children. It was found that the sample had a higher mean score after the puppet theater activity than before the puppet theater activity. Statistically significant at the .05 level.


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บทความวิจัย | Research Article