
  • JANAT THIENGSURIN Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts, Chulalongkorn University
  • ARAYA SRIKALAYANABUTRA Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts, Chulalongkorn University


graphic design, cosmopolitanism, cultural capital, non-place, placemaking


The article is research in graphic design. The main goal is to study how graphic design can solve non-place—an anthropological space—by using cosmopolitanism which considered by many researchers as a new cultural capital in 21 centuries. Although graphic design for placemaking and cosmopolitanism creative works are studied by many scholars and practitioners, cosmopolitanism graphic design to solve non-place is still novel. This research aims to investigate transformation of non-place by using cosmopolitanism graphic design placemaking. Researcher collected 127 works of placemaking graphic design from the website of Society of Experiential Graphic Design (SEGD). They were filtered with Actor-Network theory of cosmopolitanism framework. Only 38 works are remained and used as samples for visual content analysis in both quantitative and qualitative. Result is a summary of 8 key considerations when using cosmopolitanism graphic design to transform non-place: 1) type of non-place, 2) origin of content creator, 3) diversity of races in community, 4) project objectives, 5) Competition in service business, 6) Environment, 7) Long-term marketing plan, and 8) Budget


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