A Study of the Characteristics of Knowledge Transfer and Being the Dance Artist of Narapong Charassri


  • Montira Manorin Faculty of Fine Arts, Srinakharinwirot University
  • Dhanakorn Chandnasaro Faculty of Fine Arts, Srinakharinwirot University
  • Piyawadee Makpa Faculty of Fine Arts, Srinakharinwirot University


Knowledge transfer, dance artists, Narapong Charassri, Western dance arts


          This paper is a part of a master’s thesis entitled “A Characteristics Study of Western Dance Teachers, Naraphong Charassri on His Higher Education” aimed to study the characteristics of knowledge transfer and being a dance artist of Naraphong Charassri using qualitative research methodology. Documents and interviews with relevant parties were studied and analyzed.
Research instruments include interview form for research participants, group discussion, and related electronic media. Data analysis used in this studied were content analysis, document analysis, and data triangulation.
          The results of the research revealed that characteristics of knowledge transfer of
Naraphong Charassri are divided into 5 processes which are 1) rational analysis, 2)improvement of knowledge transfer process, 3) testing process for knowledge transfer evaluation, 4) building process to promote success, and 5) creating new knowledge.
          Moreover, characteristics of being a dance artist of Narathong Charassi can be divided into 12 areas, namely, 1) creativity, 2) accepting change, 3) discipline and self-control, 4) enthusiasm and dedication, 5 Reasoning and accepting different opinions, 6) application of information systems and technology, 7) monitoring the progress and modernization of the profession, 8) being friendly with people, 9) having consciousness and responsibility in performing the performance, 10) practice according to the professional guidelines for the benefit of society and the nation,
11) having a good friendship, honesty and morality, and 12) creating, promoting and pushing awareness on the professional ethics.
          Characteristics of being a good and proper dance artist does not only include excellent practice skills, but the skills and the ability to transfer the knowledge. A gooddance artist needs to transfer ideas, knowledge, and various dance processes to thoseinvolved, which will lead to being a Choreographer further. Narapong Charassri is regarded as multi-talented and versatile in dance; thus, resulting in the teaching and learning management at the Western Dance Arts Division, Department of Dance, Faculty of Fine Arts, Chulalongkorn University becoming unique and has its own identity. This may be due to Narapong Charassri’s outstanding ballet skills, which is consistent with the curriculum being taught, resulting in the above characteristics to be linked together, both as a knowledge transferrer and a dance artist harmoniously.


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บทความวิจัย | Research Article