
  • DHEA KHOTRADHA Faculty of Textile Industries, Rajamangala University of Technology Krungthep


Elderly, Design, Ready-to-Wear Products, Magic Pattern


           Since 2020, the elderly has been considered as one of the most important and influential consumer groups in all types of fashion markets, especially the ready-to-wear market. The ability to create product variations that match the demand of this group will create a new marketing opportunity for fashion retailers in the future. This research aims to study and set course for creating fashion products for the elderly by using ageing theories, combined with the concepts of detailing from the Magic Pattern techniques. Primary and secondary data are studied, and other factors including fashion marketing principles and physiology are analyzed. Qualitative research is conducted through in-depth interviews with experts in fashion marketing and physiology of ageing. Quantitative research is conducted through online questionnaires with a sample size of 400 participants. The target group is comprised of females in the 60-75 age range. Their average disposable income is between 25,000 - 50,000 baht. Their fashion style is type 1, which is luxurious, modern, and conservative. Moreover, in terms of behavior, out-of-home activities such as meeting up with friends for dinner and parties are still part of their normal life. In terms of attitudes in selecting fashion products, the consumers are interested in party-casual products, priced between 1,500-3,000 baht and with special techniques which help build confidence when wearing. Such techniques are patching, overlapping, or creating dimensions to hide body parts. The compositions of this creation are a result of accordance among silhouette, special techniques, color groups, and material. They are derived from the summary of the physiology, the consumer needs, and the Magic Pattern techniques. Upon studying the process of creating product details using Tomoko Nakamichi’s Magic Pattern techniques, it has been found that there are only three main methods that produce similar results to the demand of the target group, namely the silhouette and layering technique, the graphic line editing technique, and the circular double folding technique. In order to arrive at the conclusion that matches most with the needs of the target group, EDFR (Ethnographic Delphi Futures Research) is used by having the experts examine the image of the products before performing satisfaction assessments with the target group as a final step.


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