Graphic Design by Anti-Realism Concept for Creative District: A Case of Charoenkrung District


  • Saran Tangtrongsit Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts, Chulalongkorn University
  • Suppakorn Disatapundhu Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts, Chulalongkorn University


Graphic Design, Anti-realism, Identity, Creative District, Charoenkrung District


          The study of graphic design by anti-realism concept for creative district: a case study of Chareonkrung district was processed with the purposes to 1. make a research for finding the design elements of graphic design that are consistent with the concept of anti-realism theory 2. find the identity of creative area Chareonkrung district and be applicable to the graphic design under the anti-realism concept in Charoenkrung district area. To find out the graphic design elements which are consistent with the anti-realism concept, the author had used the research methodology through the documentary research, experts interviewing and data analyzing. The findings revealed that the elements of graphic design consisting with anti-realism concept were as follows A: 1. the sign of index and symbol including the level of human perception at the level of communication 2. the logo type Name only mark, Initial letter mark, Allusive mark,
Abstract mark, Name symbol mark 3. Nearly complete picture according to the law of Gestalt’s and the law of organization 4. Dots, lines and all kinds of shapes 5. Language and Abstract shape 6. Neutral space and Ambiguous space 7. Using complementary colors, split complementary colors and triadic color scheme 8. Breaking the law of language grammatical correctness. To find out the identity of Charoenkrung area, the researcher had reviewed the concerning literature and used the research tools by the documentary research, the questionnaire technique by collecting the samples group from the research area and analyzing the data. The research finding indicated that the identity of Chareondrung district is composed of the cultural mixture among three main religions including Mahayan Buddism, Roman Catholic Church and Islam. The representative of these beliefs are “Dragon Temple Kamalawat, Assumption Cathedral and Haroon Mosque.” Finally, the researcher had designed Charoenkrung district logo prototype by using elements of graphic designing that are consistent with the concept of anti-realism theory to show the possibility of Charoenkrung identity design which include environmental graphic design.

Author Biography

Suppakorn Disatapundhu, Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts, Chulalongkorn University


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