A study on The Programmed Instruction, Teens and Health, Health Education and Physical Education Mathayom 1.
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The objectives of this research were: 1) To develop The Programmed Instruction, Teens and Health, Health Education and Physical Education Mathayom 1, on the criteria of 80/80. 2) To compare the learning achievement of the students before and after use The Programmed Instruction, Teens and Health, Health Education and Physical Education Mathayom 1, 3) Study the effectiveness index of The Programmed Instruction. The Programmed Istruction, Teens and Health, Health Education and Physical Education Mathayom 1, 4) Study the student’s satisfaction towards The Programmed Instruction. The Programmed Instruction, Teens and Health, Health Education and Physical Education Mathayom 1, The sample used in the study consisted of 29 Mathayom 1 students in the first semester in 2016 of Kungcharoenpittayakom school, Srithad Udonthani province, Udonthani Provincial Administration Organization by One Group Pretest Posttest Design. The documents were Teaching plan and Achievement. Statistics used in data analysis is t-test by Dependent Samples.
The results of the study were as follows:
1) The Programmed Instruction, Teens and Health, Health Education and Physical Education Mathayom 1 has efficiently respectively equaled to 94.51/88.
2) Achievement after studying through Programmed Instruction, Teens and Health, Health Education and Physical Education Mathayom 1 was higher than before studying with statistical significance at the .01 level.
3) Efficiency index of The Programmed Instruction, Teens and Health, Health Education and Physical Education Mathayom 1 equal to .76 indicates that the learners progressed at 76%.
4) The satisfaction of students towards The Programmed Instruction, Teens and Health, Health Education and Physical Education Mathayom 1 was at the height level.