An Evaluation of the Supervision Project of Bua Yai School, Bua Yai District, Nakhon Ratchasima Province.

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Nuwat Eutansawat


Thesupervision project wasevaluated using the CIPP Model.Theobjectives weretoevaluate (1) the project contexts, (2) the project implementation factors, (3) the project process, and (4) the project products which included 4.1) the evaluation of teachers on learners-centered instruction, 4.2) students’ abilities in reading, critical thinking, and writing, 4.3) the learning achievement of studentsofevery level, 4.4) teachers’ satisfaction withtheinternal supervision projectof theschool, and 4.5) the sustainability of learners-centered instruction. The samples, 108 in total, consisted of 5administrators, 89teachers,and 14School Councilors.Theevaluationused Likert’sfive-rating scale questionnairesas tools toassess the projectcontexts, the project implementation, the project process, and the project products. The obtained data were analyzed to find statistical mean and standard deviation.

The evaluation results indicated as follows:

1. Overall, the evaluation on the project contexts by administrators, teachers and School Councilors showed the appropriateness and agreement at the highest level, over the set criteria ( gif.latex?\bar{x} = 4.60, S.D.=0.54).

2. Overall, theevaluationonthe project inputs byadministrators, teachersand School Councilors showed the appropriateness and adequacy at a high level and over the set criteria ( gif.latex?\bar{x} =4.49, S.D.=0.56).

3. Overall, the evaluation on the project implementation process by administrators, teachers and School Councilors showed the appropriateness and agreement at the highest level, over the set criteria ( X =4.60, S.D.=0.54). When considering the five supervision procedures , it was found that an evaluation of supervision step was the most appropriate implementation (gif.latex?\bar{x}=4.64, S.D.=0.51) . Other activities were rated with less mean scores which included morale supports and encouragement ( gif.latex?\bar{x}=4.62, S.D.=0.51), a supervision plan with a focus group and brainstorming  activities ( gif.latex?\bar{x} = 4.62, S.D.=0.56), supervision preparation and understanding with teacher meeting and  training ( gif.latex?\bar{x} = 4.61, S.D.=0.55), supervision activities with consultation , document studies, teaching  demonstration, class observation, study trips, and exhibitions         ( gif.latex?\bar{x} =4.61, S.D.=0.55). having the same mean score as the supervision plan.

4. The overall evaluation of all project products met the set criteria as follows:                                                           4.1 Overall, theevaluationonlearners-centered instruction byadministrators, teachers and School Councilors was at the highest level, over the set criteria ( gif.latex?\bar{x} =4.67, S.D.=0.52).
4.2 Overall, the evaluation of teachers on the abilities of Matthayomsueksa 1-3 and 4-6 students in reading , critical thinking and writing was at the highest level ( gif.latex?\bar{x} =4.74, S.D.=0.47).
4.3 The evaluation results of learning achievement of students of all levels were as follows:
4.3.1 Overall, the evaluationof teacherson learning achievement of  students separated by learning strands inthe first semesterof the academic year 2016 wasover theset criteria ( gif.latex?\bar{x} =3.08, S.D.=0.76).
4.3.2 Overall, theevaluationof teacherson learningachievementof students separated by learning strands in the second semester of the academic year 2016 was over the set criteria ( gif.latex?\bar{x} =3.07, S.D.=0.78).
4.4 The evaluation of teacher satisfaction on the internal supervision project f Bua Yai School in the academic year 2016 was at the highest level was over the set criteria ( gif.latex?\bar{x} =4.80, S.D.=0.44).                                                   4.5 The evaluation of teachers on the sustainability of learners-centered instruction of onesemester by administrators, teachers and school Councilors was at thehighest level and over the set criteria ( gif.latex?\bar{x}=4.70, S.D.=0.49). But in terms of increased and decreased scores, it was found  that the overall mean score was increased at 0.03. This indicated that learners-centered instruction  was sustainable through years.


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