Needs, Academic Management, Valuable Life DesignerAbstract
The purposes of this research were to 1) study the current and desired states of academic management in educational opportunity expansion schools based on the concept of a Valuable Life Designer, and 2) assess the needs for developing academic management in these schools. The population comprised 6,788 educational opportunity expansion schools under the Office of the Basic Education Commission. A sample of 378 schools was selected through multi-stage sampling. The informants included three individuals from each school: the school director, the head of academic affairs, and a guidance teacher, totaling 1,134 participants. The research instrument was a questionnaire regarding the current and desired states of academic management in educational opportunity expansion schools based on the Valuable Life Designer concept. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, including frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and the Priority Needs Index (PNI). The findings revealed that: 1) The current state of academic management in educational opportunity expansion schools, based on the Valuable Life Designer concept, was rated as high overall. Regarding academic management, the highest mean score was for teaching and learning management, followed by curriculum development, with assessment and evaluation scoring the lowest. When analyzed based on the Valuable Life Designer concept, the highest mean score was for planning a pathway to professionally excel in what one loves, followed by doing what the world needs and values, and creating value from what one does. The desired state of academic management in these schools was rated as very high overall. Regarding academic management, the highest mean score was for teaching and learning management, followed by curriculum development, with assessment and evaluation scoring the lowest. Based on the Valuable Life Designer concept, the highest mean score was for planning a pathway to professionally excel in what one loves, followed by creating value from what one does, and doing what the world needs and values. 2) The needs for developing academic management in educational opportunity expansion schools, based on academic management, showed that the highest need was for assessment and evaluation, followed by curriculum development and teaching and learning management. Based on the Valuable Life Designer concept, the highest need was for discovering and joyfully engaging in what one loves, followed by creating value from what one does, and responding swiftly to changes.
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