
  • Chayanun Klylumcheck Master’s student of Burapha university
  • Nattharmma Nam-Fah Dr. Burapha University
  • Punwalai Kewara Assistant Professor Dr. Burapha University


Content and Language Integrated Learning, CLIL in Thai traditional dance subject, Primary education, e-learning, Content learning


This research is a qualitative study aimed at exploring the implementation of Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) in Thai traditional dance with Grade 4 students during online learning sessions (using the Google Meet platform). The sample group consisted of 23 Grade 4 students. The research tools included lesson plans with quizzes as instructional materials, the researcher’s notes, and video recordings of learning activities. The method used for qualitative analysis in this study was content analysis, with the objective of discussing descriptive data. The lesson plans were used as experimental tools implemented with the sample group to study the effectiveness of the CLIL teaching method gained from the video recordings of learning activities in Thai traditional dance used English as a medium with Grade 4 students over eight periods. The research findings indicated that: The implementation of the CLIL teaching method in Thai traditional dance classes conducted online with Grade 4 students, using English as a medium, resulted in students understanding and acquiring the content of the Thai traditional dance lessons. The content analysis of the video recordings showed that students were able to comprehend and understand the Thai dance content taught in the CLIL online classroom through the use of English as a medium, thereby achieving integrated learning of both content and language.


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