Development of short-term training courses About the processing of food from bananas. For women and youth in Thap Phueng Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Si Samrong District, Sukhothai Province.


  • ปรียานุช มีจาด 0853769431


การพัฒนาหลักสูตรฝึกอบรมระยะสั้น กล้วยน้ำว้า การแปรรูปอาหาร


This research aims to 1) To create and find quality short-term training courses on food processing from bananas. For women and youth in Thap Phueng Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Si Samrong District. 2) To try and study the results of short-term training courses about the processing of  food from bananas for women and youth in Thap Phueng Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Si Samrong District, Sukhothai Province. 2.1 Comparing the achievements of food processing from bananas of women and youth after training with the criteria of  70%  2.2 The target group used in this research was a group of  20 women and young people in Thap Phueng  Subdistrict Administration Organization, Si Samrong District, Sukhothai Province. The research instruments were 1) the short-term training program development needs questionnaire about food processing from Banana Namwa 2) Short-term training courses  3) Competency assessment during training on food processing from bananas 4) Cognitive test after using a short training course 5) Assessment of the satisfaction of trainees about the processing of food from bananas. Data analysis using average, standard deviation, and percentage, findings 1) Development of short-term training courses About the processing of food from bananas. 2) Study the achievements of short-term training courses about the processing of food from bananas. An average of 36.25 and 3) trainee satisfaction with short-term training courses about the processing of food from bananas. The average is at the highest level.


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