การศึกษาการจัดการเรียนรู้ศิลปะเพื่อพัฒนาทักษะผู้เรียนในศตวรรษที่ 21

The Study in Art Education Learning Management to Develop the 21st Century Learners Skills



Art Education, Learning Management, 21st Century Learner Skills


The aims of this document research were 1) to study the status of art learning management in order to develop skills in the 21st century at the basic education level of Thailand, and 2) to present the approach to art learning management design developing the learner with 21st century skills. The sample group was included academic documents from the academic database, Google Scholar and ThaiJo, performed the content analysis and visualization with descriptive statistics, frequency distribution and percentage. The results found that 1) there was the small proportion of art education research developing 21st century skills at the basic education level accounting for 7.14% of which was the most research articles in visual arts. The theoretical concepts in the research were Project Based learning. The most sample group used to collect research data was students in the third level. The 21st century had not yet reached its full potential. The learning and innovation skills were most developed, whereas information, media and technology skills were least developed. 2) The presentation of art learning management in line with the development of learners in the 21st century aimed to make the learners understand the visual culture by integrating teaching of appreciation of art into all levels with using content according to the learners' interests according to their daily lives. The application of technology was also accompanied with it in order to support learning appropriately in every stage by designing the learning management model “TPACK (Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge)” or making the blended knowledge between the content, teaching methods and technology.



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